Building on the success of our last Coffee Trader's Course, we will be offering this comprehensive and dynamic online course this September. Given the global demand for this course, we have decided to offer it in two different timezones.
Europe/Africa TimeZone Sep 13th - 17th
10am - 5pm London Time
North/South Americas Timezone Sep 27th - Oct 1st
10am - 5pm NY Time
Spaces are LIMITED so students are encouraged to register early.
I'm also pleased to share the results from the student feedback. The average feedback for each day of the course was 9.1 out of 10 (from 34 students) and the course has 4.83/5 stars. Read some of our feedback below:
“Exceed expectations!!! Great and useful content!”
"I am truly impressed with the course. The content and structure covered all the must know topics and strategies if you are in the coffee trading business. Whether you are a producer, trader or roaster. The problem sets and quizzes are very useful for applying the knowledge acquired into the real world scenario. The instructor, Ryan is highly knowledgeable and experienced in the coffee industry. He delivers the course in an interactive, practical, and entertaining way. The dad jokes are hilarious - after he explains them. Overall an outstanding course and I highly recommend it!"
"Overall I loved the course. At the start it was generally easy but I was very happy with how quickly it progressed into more complex topics. It helped me view topics I’ve already learned in a very different, more practical, way as well as taught me many new things."
“Very challenging yet informative lectures today. At sometimes in felt like information overload but by the end the practical applications of each concept were demonstrated clearly.”
"I really liked the course, I think it was a great introductory trading course and I felt like I absorbed a lot of key concepts in a short amount of time. I really liked the structure of the coure -lectures, Kahoots and problem sets, it kept me accountable both for listening to the material and also a test of whether I understood it. [...] Ryan was a great instructor - very engaging and has the unique ability to break down complex concepts into easy digestible steps. Thank you for your time!"
“I genuinely enjoyed the content of todays lecture . I think you digested very heavy material in a easy to understand manner. I liked the approach of introducing the gammas with a more logic approach than a math focused one. The math was a little harder to understand - i.e. the conversion of delta into futures but doing the problem sets helped with solving those questions. I really liked the problem sets for both parts and I thought laying out the calls and puts to see the final impact on position helped tie everything together!”